Blake Griffin Caught A Nice BJ From The Athletic Trainer Last Night




Poor fucking athletic trainers. Dorky, balding dudes who spend their entire lives trapped in a lifetime locker room with a bunch of freak athletes who run around all day rat tailing them, pantsing them, mouth raping them on national television. It must be hell. They’re eternal water boys. Like at least in high school the nerds hung out with other nerds and didn’t really know there was another way of life. This guy has to go home to his normal wife and when she asks, “Honey how was your day?” he has to say “Eh, not bad. Worked on CP3’s knee a bit, DeAndre’s wrist was bothering him so we rehabbed that, oh and then Blake made me suck his cock on TNT. But at least it’s Friday.” Tough way to make a living.



Oh and if you laugh at this then you’re a rape condoning rapist. Mouth rape is never funny.




h/t @OGRichardhead

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