Reader Email - Hank Is Late To Work Because He "Was Partying At Gronk's House" Last Night

Reader Email






What a life for the “Butterknife Kid”.    And this email was coming off a Saturday night when we got a suite for the Bruins game and then went out HARD.  Live look at Hank at the club on Saturday.


One second he was like this.


The next second he was like this.  



And yes everytime I’ve gone out with Hank he’s ended up sleeping.  It’s part of his charm I suppose.   Anyway got to love how casual he was about his excuse.  “Yeah I was just partying at Gronk’s house.   No biggie. Gonna be a little bit late.”   Ok Hank.   8 months ago you were breaking into the Garden with a butter knife and now you’re celebrating AFC championships at Gronks house.  There is literally no chance Hank didn’t puke on a chick and Gronk didn’t think it was the funniest thing in the world either.   That 1,000% happened and if it didn’t I’m just gonna pretend it did.  I just worry what happens when Hank turns like 29.  Or god forbid Barstool goes out of business?   He’s gonna be the most weathered 29 year old of all time.  Been there and done that for everything.   Life is just coming at Hank a million miles per hour right now and he’s just trying not to pass out before he soaks it all in.   And to think it’s all because Weird Haircut Seth hired his ass.  To quote Don King….Only in America!


PS – Shout out to Billy Baron.  He knows all about Hank Life.  (Inside Joke)


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