Bron Bron Makes Himself Seem Like A Superhero For Icing His Body After The Game



Have people seen these Bleacher Report Uninterrupted things? They kind of remind me of Jeter’s website. It’s supposed to be athletes in their own words when in reality it’s just athletes getting paid to give themselves good PR. Naturally Bron Bron’s just makes me hate his ass even more. Granted I pretty much hate everything he does, but even if you’re unbiased you still have to think this is ridicolous right? Just such a clown video trying to make himself seem like a superhero for getting in an ice bath after the game. Again bro you only missed 8 games. Instead of making a video of this why don’t you tell us if David Blatt is still in the hospital from when you assaulted him a couple hours before? That’s what I want to hear. Not how icing your legs is torture. Bro everybody ices down after the game.  Not for the cameras.  Not for the fanfare.  Not so everybody can say how tough you are.  To get better.  To be in the best shape possible.  It’s rule #1 of being a pro athlete. Read a book for me 1 time.



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