Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy That Just Interviewed The Mayor Of The 3rd Largest City In The Country?

Yes, yes it does. Carl said it best this morning:

Just tell me two months ago that there's a global pandemic, all the sports are cancelled, Lori Lightfoot has become a viral sensation amidst the chaos and she's here to take questions from Barstool Chicago in the middle of Soldier Field on a Monday morning. I haven't done Ayahuasca but I imagine the visuals are on that kind of spectrum. 

If you thought we were living in weird times with this pandemic, this should be the ultimate cherry on top for you. This guy, the guy that can't walk and chew gum at the same time...

…got a phone call around 10:30pm last night asking if we could interview Mayor Lightfoot this morning to help spread the word of her office's new marketing campaign they are running in conjunction with the city's professional sports teams. Ummmm yes?  Abso-freaking-lutely. What world we live in, that my dumbass is interviewing the Mayor of the 3rd largest city in America to help spread her and her office's words and mandates on how we can effectively eliminate this virus ASAP. 

But real talk - the campaign video, which can be seen if you fast forward to the 13:00 mark of this video…

…is on point. The players on all of Chicago's sports teams want to play every bit as bad as we want to watch them play, but they're not. They're "staying in" just like we have to, and those of us at Barstool Chicago have been tasked to help spread that message, which we are going to take very seriously. 

But back to the interview - myself and Chief rose to the task. We were on point and she loved yucking it up with us morons. A few housekeeping notes:

- This was just an OUTRAGEOUSLY long walk for her to make to the podium:

- Mayor Lightfoot has a great sense of humor. Obviously her memes have taken Chicago Twitter by storm and she is completely self-deprecating about it and loves that it's helping spread awareness of her campaign's "stay in" orders.

- She is not a fan of Mitch Trubisky

- Nor is she a fan of Kanye West

- She likes her beefs wet and with extra cheese

- She wants sports back every bit as badly as we all do

FULL VIDEO WITH MAYOR LIGHTFOOT COMING OUT ASAP - huge thank you to Mayor Lightfoot's team for having us out and again, we are going to do everything in our power to help spread the word for them and all of Chicago's sports teams. 

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