Two Unnamed Sources (Archie And Eli) Say Peyton Was Playing With A Torn Quad For the Last Month of the Season


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ESPN – After the game, Manning said he injured his leg throwing to Sanders. There was some thought that he got hurt on an 8-yard completion to Sanders with 2:43 to play in the first half, three plays before he left the field and went into the tunnel to the visitors’ locker room. But after the completion on the rollout with 5:39 left, Manning can be seen flexing his leg and grimacing as he moves to call the next play.”My mindset right now is just disappointment after [Sunday’s] game,” Manning said after the defeat. “I’m disappointed. I kind of need to process this game. We’ll meet [Monday]. I’m disappointed I need to process this game.”


From Brady SI Article

Oh 2 sources said that Manning was hurt for the last month of the season? Can I take a guess at who those the 2 unnamed sources were? Were their names Archie and Eli? Could it have been them? I mean give me a break with this shit. If there was 1 player in the history of earth who we would know was hurt before the playoffs started it would be Peyton Manning. He’d sneaky tell you every single day of the week. We only find out about it after he has one of the most disgusting games for a QB in the history of the NFL? When he goes 1 and done for the 9th time in his career as a favorite in the playoffs? Come on! He’s not hurt. He’s old and he sucks in the playoffs. Huge difference.

PS – Anybody who puts Peyton Manning on the top line of NFL QB’s is insane. Montana, Elway, Brady, Aikman, Bradshaw are tier 1 guys. Manning, Marino, Young tier 2. Yes winning Superbowls and not being the biggest choke artist in the history of football matters.

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