Patriots Team Plane Returns From 1.2M Scouting Trip To China, Shares Key Defensive Equipment With NY

Scouting for............. N95 masks that is. HEYYYO! ha ha

Even though I maybe clickbaited you it's a feel-good 'got ya'. 

How this whole trip came together is actually pretty nutty and it's awesome the Patriots organization stepped up to do this.

From CNN:

A New England Patriots team plane loaded with 1.2 million N95 protective masks has landed back in Boston after picking up the vital supplies in China.

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker tweeted a photo of the plane being loaded with the personal protective equipment that he said would go to the state's health care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis.

"Tonight's arrival of a major shipment of N95 masks on the Patriots' plane was a significant step in our work to get front-line workers the equipment they need," the governor later said on Twitter. "And it's an example of how collaboration and partnership can lead to real solutions during these challenging times."

Why did it ever come to this point though? Why was Massachusetts not able to get masks?

According to a source, Baker is extremely frustrated that the federal government outbid him on supplies that were en route to Massachusetts. He worked with New England Patriots' owner Robert Kraft and the Patriots to get these supplies brought over from China.

If you want to know more that story is HERE.

And according to Robert Kraft it was quite the endeavor. Red tape & bureaucracy seem to be common themes as the virus spreads:

"It was -- there was a lot of red tape, but a lot of people cooperated" he said. "We had three governors. We had a counsel from China, our crew who flew probably more hours than they should have, but they knew how important it was. And, you know, it's just -- it's like doing your job and never taking time off when something's really important.

There's definitely plenty of amazing people out there not taking time off to help the rest of us. As the plane unloaded back in the states National Guard members, who have been working tirelessly around the country, were on the ready to pack them into trucks & take them where they're needed most. 

On top of all that, the Patriots are sharing the wealth with other places like Rhode Island and New York City where today we will cross over 3,000 dead and our morgues are nearly at full capacity

Just yesterday the organization sent 300K masks our way. 

The Patriots good deeds have been so helpful that it sounds like some are even ready to start forgiving…

And have to admit I'm grateful they're helping New York with our defensive game. Lord knows the Jets wouldn't be able to do it. 

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