This Clippers Kid Who Was Sweeping The Floor Last Night Is Getting So Overshadowed By Steve Ballmer And It Ain't Right





This move by the Clippers kid sweeping the floor last night may be the most overshadowed move in the history of moves.  Like if he goes toe to toe with Fergie like that any other night he’s the star of the internet.   He just got avavalanched nderneath Steve Ballmer dancing like a maniac though.   It ain’t right folks.    You can argue this kid was the real star of the show.  I mean what type of ball boy/sweeper has that type of pizzaz?   None.  This was an MVP type performance on the spot in front of a megastar.  It almost made me think he was a plant.   Like he was part of Fergie’s crew not the ball boy crew.


PS – Is the sweeper part of the ball boy crew?  Like what is this guy’s real title?



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