There Are Some People On Planet Earth Who Didn't Vote Pedro Martinez Into The Hall Of Fame


“Not a bad season. Oops, it’s July and we’re at the All Star game.”




I tweeted this, this morning but now that it’s official and Pedro wound up with 91.1% of the votes (DISGUSTING), it’s worth blogging: If you didn’t vote Pedro Martinez into the Baseball Hall of Fame then you should be forced to turn in your BBWAA card then be beaten to death with a How to Vote for the Baseball Hall of Fame: For Dummies book. I don’t care what your stupid reasoning is, it’s stupid. Not voting Pedro is inexcusable. ’99 and ’00 are arguably the best pitching seasons in the history of baseball. He’s one of the greatest pitchers of all time. His career ERA is sub-3. 3,000 Ks. 200+ wins. 3 Cy Youngs. All the numbers you can handle. People sucked Kershaw’s dick this season and it might’ve cracked Pedro’s top 3 years. But the most impressive part of it all? He did this in the height of the Steroid Era. All those guys you refuse to allow into the Hall because of PEDs are exactly who he had to face on a nightly basis. He put up stupefying stats while guys stood at the plate looking like fucking Monstars.



Every year it’s the same thing with the HOF voting, everyone always has a gripe. I don’t know the solution, I just know it’s broken. I saw one writer who left Pedro off say he was “counting on his fellow writers to get him in” and other players needed his votes more. That’s bullshit. You’re voting for the Hall of Fame, vote for the best players. Hopefully somewhere down the road we’ll stop caring about the sanctity of the fact that no one has been unanimous and stop protecting that like it’s the grail. Vote for the best players because that’s who belongs in the Hall. But for today, the fix is simple: if you didn’t vote Pedro then you’re out.



PS – Our boy Jared Carrabis tweeted this a while back and we blogged it but had to post again today. Laugh out loud funny. Sports Illustrated Kids and Pedro says his secret ambition is to fuck Sandra Bullock. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED FOR KIDS!


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