Ho Hum - The Biebs Smashed Christie Brinkley



No biggie.  Biebs just smashed arguably the biggest sex symbol of the last 100 years.  What’s that old expression?  Don’t hate the playa, hate the game?  I think that applies here.  The Biebs just tossing it in Christie Brinkley like it ain’t no thing.   Oh you’re 60 years old?   I’m only 20. You were on the cover of Sports Illustrated before I was born? Yeah I’ll still stick in you and let you post a couple pictures on Instagram for your street cred.  Sure I’ll sign an autograph for your daughter.   Maybe even give her the courtesy dick too if you ask nicely.   Biebs just doing it big per usual.  #prayforselena


PS – I know what people are thinking.  What proof do you have Pres?  How do you know they fucked?  Umm leg don’t lie.  You don’t pose like Christie did unless you are literally leaking in real time.  Read a book for me 1 time.


Double PS – Where you at Cindy Crawford?  Biebs coming for DAT ASS




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