Georgia Tech Hoops Pulled Off An All-Time Finesse Convincing The NCAA It Served A Postseason Ban THIS SEASON

This is one of the greatest moves I can remember. Georgia Tech was facing a 1-year postseason ban (along with some other penalties) for hoops. Okay, whatever. There was an outside chance that GT would even make the postseason this year, but it did cost them a spot in the ACC Tournament. Again, sucks for the seniors but whatever it's 1 year where you're an average team at best. 

But then it happened. Sports stopped. Shit, sports stopped in the middle of the ACC Tournament! It didn't finish. We were just getting ready to start the quarterfinals. But that's the reason Georgia Tech is getting this ban done with:

“There is some type of formality, a box that needs to be checked, and so right now our attorneys are in the process of getting that done with the NCAA,” he said. “But I definitely feel like we’ve fulfilled our obligation based on our not playing in the ACC tournament this year.”

They used the argument that since the ACC Tournament started without them, they filled their obligation of a postseason ban - and it worked! It's unbelievable. I can't stop laughing at it. I mean, good for them. Any time you can finesse the NCAA I'm going to smile a bit. That's especially true when you consider why Georgia Tech was even hit with penalties. In case you forgot: 

All pretty bullshit, somewhat crazy reasons. You got Jarrett Jack hitting up a strip club with Wendell Carter. You have Josh Pastner attempting to be blackmailed. But it all leads to the coronavirus shutting down college hoops and sports on a dime. It's been a few weeks now since it all happened and while it's still crazy, I can't believe Georgia Tech thought to use it as a reason to get rid of a postseason ban. 

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