Reader Email - My Friends Got In A Big Fight NYE. One Buddy Was Caught on Tape Fleeing The Scene Carrying His Dog Out of the Way


Reader Email


My buddy caught on camera fleeing the scene with the dog before the fight broke out New Years Eve…


Laugh out loud funny vine. Frankly I don’t know what to make of this move. Was he using his dog to flee from a fight? Or was he legitimately concerned about his dog getting caught up in the middle of it? I mean that wasn’t a small dog. You’d probably want him on your side right? Just gnawing at people’s ankles and shit. Either way very funny.

Let’s throw it to the Stoolies

Vote 1 for this guy was scared shitless and 10 for Dog first, friends later


(986 votes, average: 9.71 out of 10)
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