My Picks To Assemble the World's Worst Fan


Big Cat made his selections, and I have a different opinion on what you have to do here. First of all, this is the hardest of these that I’ve seen. Penn State could be $10 and I’d still have to pick them.

My world’s worst fan:

NFL: Patriots. $1 is a steal there. Pure value pick. Pats haven’t won the Super Bowl since 2004, let’s not get facts get in the way here. I know this isn’t a popular opinion on, but it is what it is. The whole “Patriots way” thing makes everyone who isn’t a Pats fan throw up. For $1, they are a steal.

College Football: Penn State, obviously. Probably the biggest steal of the draft at $5. The most delusional, punch drinking fanbase in all of sports. Almost scary how wacky some Penn Staters are. Easiest pick ever.

MLB: Cardinals for $4. The most annoying fanbase in pro sports. They could shit on each other’s faces nonstop and have no problem because they so strongly believe their shit doesn’t stink.

College Basketball: Duke, no question. Can’t believe they aren’t a $5 option. Fucking idiot Duke fans. Privileged assholes who don’t understand how fucking miserable they are. Silver spoon dickheads with the ugliest cheerleaders in the game. Fuck Duke.

NBA: Nets. I don’t even know if they fans to be honest, but the team traded away their future for a bunch of senior citizens and the 4 Nets fans were shouting about championships from the roof tops. No, Nets fans, no. Pipe back down and enjoy the next 5 years of misery.

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