This Attention Whore Is Sitting Outside of The Supreme Court On a Hunger Strike "Protesting" Privacy Rights


WaPo – If you’ve ever been fired for posting a nude picture of yourself on the Internet, or for writing homophobic rants on Facebook, there’s a man who says he is willing to die outside of the Supreme Court for you. Brian Zulberti, a lawyer from Delaware, is a day and a half into a hunger strike on the sidewalk to promote a simple belief: that our social lives and professional lives should be separate by law. “This is about privacy and the advancement of technology,” says Zulberti, sitting in a reclining beach chair, wearing a hat that says “Us Versus Them” and a shirt with a picture of him posing shirtless in front of the Capitol Building. “Soon it will be the total information age, privacy out the window. The best we can do is adapt the law to the future now so we don’t turn into 1984, George Orwell style.” Zulberti has been down this road before. He was fired as a high school tennis coach for comments he posted on a website about an opposing player. He became a minor viral sensation in 2013 when he applied for jobs in the state, not by sending out a resume, but by sending a picture of himself in a rolled-up t-shirt. He then posted a picture of himself in his underwear onto Facebook with a handwritten sign begging someone to hire him “as a lawyer. Damn, NOT A (sic) ESCORT.” What might look like a dumb stunt and a way to guarantee continued unemployment for most, was a patriotic mission to Zulberti. He says he has posted a number of naked photos of himself online, and wants the right to keep doing it — without consequences to his (currently stalled) career. “Look, if I’ve got to get your eyes to my penis to see the problems with the nation,” he says, “then so be it.” Before coming to the Supreme Court, Zulberti — a graduate of the Villanova Law School — has been traveling across the country trying to draw attention to cases of people being fired for their social media presence. Recently, he went to New Jersey to talk about the case of Sam Falcetano, a Department of Public Works employee fired for writing homophobic posts on Facebook. Zulberti, who says he is “about as gay as the day is long,” said in a blog post that he may wish horrible things upon the man, but still doesn’t believe he should have been fired. “Just like your employer can’t come to your house to check it out before they hire you, they shouldn’t be able to check out your digital house,” he says. But as for what you post out into the world for other people to see, that’s trickier. “I am a believer that all publicity is good publicity,” he said. “I will die right here, no doubt about it, 100 percent certain…. I will do it for the headline: ‘Attorney Dies, Collapses in Front of the Supreme Court of the United States, Talking About Privacy Issues.’ Or I get the [press]. Either way, the message is out and I’ve won. Can’t lose.”

Well I guess he fucking wins cause here I am blogging about his dumb ass at 9:30 on a Wednesday morning. Basically what he’s saying is if you post on Twitter that you hate your boss, you’re a nazi, and that you actually enjoy watching Two And A Half Men, then you can’t get fired. Which obviously is erroneous. If you’re dumb enough to put something out on the Internet, than you aught to face whatever consequences are thrown your way. Internet doesn’t sleep, the Internet doesn’t forget, and the Internet doesn’t lie. And this attention whore Brian Zulberti doesn’t give a fuck about your privacy or mine, he just wants to be famous because he’s a shitty lawyer and nobody will hire him because he still thinks it’s 1850 where the Internet isn’t the most important thing in the world. Why would anyone hire someone who doesn’t believe in the Internet? It’s the end all be all. Him comparing employers checking someone’s online profiles to them coming in and looking through their house is one of the worst analogies I’ve ever read in the history reading. I fucking hate this guy because he is such a douche bag fake activist who only wants people to blog about him, only wants to go on the View or some other bullshit daytime talkshow, he doesn’t actually care about making change. And he has the most god damn punchable face ever. I hope they let him starve to death.

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