Movie Night: Watch 'The Dark Knight' LIVE With Marty Mush, Kayce Smith, Feits, and More...


We are LIVE again tonight this time with Marty Mush (he has never seen the movie), Feits and Kayce Smith to watch 'The Dark Knight' on Netflix.

The video will be live above (in the YouTube video) starting at 8:30PM EST and you can watch the movie, interact, and chat with us while we watch. All you need to do is sync your movie up (on Netflix) with the timer that will be on screen in our YouTube LIVE video. Example below...

At the end of the movie, Mush will take a seven question quiz and if he passes (70% or above), he wins. The punishment will determined live on the air during the watch along.

Reminder of the Movie Nights the rest of the week…

Who else do you want to see on a movie night and what movie should we watch? Drop it below. People like Rone, Large, Ellie, KFC, Kirk, etc. will all be making appearances soon. See you tonight at 8:30e!

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