For The Love Of God Phil Mickelson Better Not Be Joking About Live Streaming A Match With Tiger Woods During Quarantine

Do it. Just fucking do it. Please for the love of god do it. Make sure everybody involved is safe and coronavirus free and all that stuff and then find a golf course and do it. Take the smallest amount of people you need to live stream a match between Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson and go do it. The world has never needed a match between Tiger and Phil more than it needs it right now. Literally never. We haven't had live sports in what feels like months now and I can feel myself slowly slipping into madness. I really do love all the interesting content people are producing around the internet during this non-sports quarantine but nothing would hit the spot quite like the sweet taste of live sports right now. Golf is sorta perfect for it anyway. You don't need crowds and you only really need Tiger and Phil and a camera guy? Listen I don't know the production logistics of putting on a golf match but I just know it's less than a basketball game or a football game.

Oh and remember back in November 2018 when Tiger and Phil squared off against each other in Las Vegas and a lot of people were disappointed with the overall product? Well I can slap on a Barstool Trent Guarantee that those people would be not disappointed this time around. We're quite literally living in a different time. Not only would people simply be grateful for live sports but it would be the most viewed thing in the history of streaming. How many people live on planet earth? 7 billion? Then that's how many people would watch a Tiger vs Phil match right now. I'm serious. 

Please for the love of god don't be joking Phil. Make it happen as soon as you can.

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