Finish This Headline: Nashville Girl Says Social Distancing Is "Cool, I Just Don't Think I'm Gonna Get The Virus" On Her Way Out To The Bars With 20 People —

Everybody have their guesses in? Ok I'm now going to give you two blurbs from the story:

Ireland Tate is young, full of life, unbothered and unafraid of the coronavirus pandemic. The 21-year-old is a picture of perfect health

“So, I’m aware that we’re supposed to be self-quarantining and social distancing all these things to keep everyone safe. Cool. I get it,” said Tate in a video she made for social media. “I just don’t think that I’m going to get the virus.”

She says her friends ignored city leaders’ call for social distancing. In fact, after city leader first suggested social distancing and socializing with no more than 10 people, her friends decided to get together at a friend’s house – all 20 of them.

They also went out publicly, still ignoring the suggestion.

Who finished the headline with "Everyone Had A Great Night, Are Currently Happy And Healthy After Exposing The Coronavirus Hoax The Mainstream Media Is Forcing Down Our Throats"? 

I doubt anyone. Not a single person. Because you are reading this, which means you have a functioning brain. 

Next blurb:

Turns out, one of the friends in the group had the virus.

Ah dang. It's true what they say, you really do not enjoy observing something similar to that. 

I'm currently trying to decide which Ireland Tate quote is my favorite: 

Option 1: “So, I’m aware that we’re supposed to be self-quarantining and social distancing all these things to keep everyone safe. Cool. I get it. I just don’t think that I’m going to get the virus.”

Option 2: “It feels like someone is sitting on my chest at all times. It’s really hard to breathe. I’ve coughed until my throat has bled,” 

But actually, I just got to the bottom of the article, and this may be in the mix too: 

Now, Tate, who is quarantined at her parents’ home, is sending a desperate plea to young people her age who she says are laughing it off and not taking it seriously.

“While it may not be affecting you, you could be affecting someone’s grandma or grandpa or aunt or uncle or sister,” said Tate.

She says her outlook has changed because harming someone else isn’t a guilt she believes she can carry.

Tate…we know. We know that. Because we listened to experts and did what they suggested. It didn't take making a cocky Instagram and going out to the bars to make us realize we could harm someone else. Anyone who actually needs your "desperate plea", it's too late for them anyway. Quick recovery though!

via Fox17

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