What Is Your Mount Rushmore Of Wrestling Songs?

Blogger's Note: This started off as a Wake Up blog but I quickly realized we need to expand upon the Mount Rushmore section. Original blog below

If you don't think this is one of the, if not THE greatest song in wrestling history, I got two words for ya...

Jesus it's incredible that a whole bunch of us just used to do this to each other in school and at home like it was no big deal. God bless the Attitude Era. Also I don't know who the girl was sitting on the speaker here but she is the hottest human to ever walk the planet.

This CD legitimately changed my life.

Bonus Mount Rushmore for Wrestling Songs:

1. Hulk Hogan "Real American"

Part of this is due to nostalgia and part of this is due to him being essentially a real life superhero. But I don't know if I ever felt as good as I have in my life than after Hulk Hogan won a main event at a PPV, this song blared from the speakers, and he was posing to the sold out crowd.

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin

If this song didn't make you want to drink a bunch of beers and beat the shit out of your boss, you aren't a normal human. I would like to say that I do not currently feel that way at Barstool and like my boss very much. Please don't tell him I think that since I'm pretty sure he just lost a quarter mill in the stock market since I started writing this blog.

3. Shawn Michaels "Sexy Boy"

When it comes to songs that perfectly summed up the persona of the wrestler they were about, it's pretty much 1A and 1B between Stone Cold and Sexy Boy. Such a cocky song for such a cocky wrestler.

4. DX

As described in the poorly written blog above.

Also Receiving Votes: Undertaker, Million Dollar Man, nWo, nWo Wolfpack, Ric Flair, New Age Outlaws, The Rock, Mr. Perfect, Demolition (had to shout out that retro gem)

What's your Mount Rushmore? Sound off in the comments!

(Had to say that now that the comment section is back to being a horde of humanity and I'm genuinely interested to see which songs everyone has on their Mount Rushmore)

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