Floyd Mayweather Witnessed His Friend's Murder Suicide On FaceTime



(TMZ)Floyd Mayweather is reeling tonight … because he was on FaceTime with one of his best friends when the guy pulled out a gun, shot his wife and then killed himself … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us … rapper Earl Hayes called Floyd on FaceTime Monday morning in a rage, over claims his wife — VH1 star Stephanie Moseley — had been unfaithful. According to our Floyd sources, Earl said he was going to kill his wife. The champ was pleading with him to get a grip … to no avail. Floyd will not say how much he saw, but he acknowledges he was a witness and heard everything. Floyd is in shock and is having extreme difficulty dealing with the fact that he witnessed a horrifying murder/suicide.




I love how the “Floyd source” is saying that Mayweather is in shock and having extreme difficulty dealing with the situation of witnessing a murder/suicide on FaceTime. Bulllllshitttttt. Any other person on planet earth? Yes, I totally believe that this has got them fucked up. Floyd makes Narcissus look like a selfless person. Floyd is like a robot that was created in a lab to show humanity the what true self-obsession looks like. In fact, I doubt he even truly witnessed this murder/suicide. If he was on FaceTime then you know he was far too busy staring at himself in the small box rather than paying attention to what was going on in the big box. Hell, I stare at myself on FaceTime rather than the person I’m talking to. And I’m poor and gross and hate myself. You think Floyd Mayweather was giving the time of day to someone not named Floyd Mayweather? Puh-lease.


And yes, he went to the Clippers game last night so I don’t think this had him broken up for all that long. Maybe fucked up his morning or his breakfast or something. But come evening time that shock and depression had worn off nicely.


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