Poll - How Fat Are We All Going To Get During The Lockdown?

So I saw this tweet yesterday about 50 cent being worried about everyone getting fat during lockdown and it dawned on me. We never agreed as a country just how fat we plan on getting. I think that’s something that needs a consensus. When this whole thing ends, hopefully sooner than later, we can’t have people being judged for showing up to work 15-20 pounds heavier. That’s not fair. This will basically be the opposite of the first day of school when everyone arrives with their new sneakers and summer tan looking around at who got hot in July/August. We’re all trapped in our houses. The only activity that we have left is planning our meals and eating snacks all day so this is something that needs like a Presidential order. Yesterday was Trump Bucks, today should be an executive order allowing everyone to pack on pounds in a judgement free society.

Me? I’m planning on putting on at least 20 lbs if this goes over a month. I got groceries the other day and ate 80% of them on Day 1. It was disgusting. I hate myself. But I shouldn’t because we’re all in this together. So fuck any fitness challenges that celebrities get going on Instagram, I want to talk to the regular people out there. How fat will we get? How sloth like can we become? How many frozen pizzas and chips can we eat? So here is the offical poll. Please only vote once. 1 for fuck you Big Cat, I’m staying slim and eating. Vote 10 for we’re getting Chonk as hell and no one can stop us.

Voting now open.


Pro Tip, I bought a huge bag of the individually wrapped Reeses Cups. Great way to practice portion control and pretend you’re not eating too much candy. I average about 15 a day. Which is basically nothing.

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