Watch Karl-Anthony Towns Emotionally Explain How His Mom Is In A Medically-Induced Coma Because Of Coronavirus And Start Taking This Shit Serious

I don't know what it's going to take, but all I gotta say is do whatever to start this shit serious. We're seeing more and more public people come forward with a story. Whether it's Tom Hanks, Idris Elba, Donovan Mitchell, etc explaining how they have coronavirus or someone like KAT who is explaining that his mom is in a medically-induced coma because of it. This shit is scary and this shit is serious. 

KAT is one of the most beloved players in Minnesota and at Kentucky. His mom was a staple at every game. If you're a Kentucky fan or Wolves fan or really just follow KAT, you know how close he is with his parents. They were there when he found out he made an All-Star Game: 

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. I get that we want our lives back. We want to watch sports, we want to go to the bar, we want to go to dinner, etc. The fact is the more we quarantine ourselves and flatten the curve, the quicker we can get back to that life. It's not going to be tomorrow, but it'll be quicker than if people keep being reckless. Watch the entire video of KAT. The fact is that can easily happen to any single person and their mother or father or any other family member. 

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