After Billionaire Josh Harris Cuts Employees Salaries, Joel Embiid Donates $500,000 To COVID-19 Relief And Sixers Employees

Hey, Joshua Harris...

Remember earlier today when I asked if this little weasel is the cheapest bastard in all of professional sports?

Well it appears that Joel Embiid believes the answer to that question is a resounding and undeniable "yes". So while Joshua Harris is out here being worth $3.8 billion (with a 'B') and temporarily slashing employees' salaries by 20% amid a global pandemic, Joel Embiid decided to step in and take care of things himself. He doesn't need this weasel destroying the public perception of the team more than he's already ruined the public perception of himself. And also Joel Embiid is a man with a heart. He knows the difference between what's right and what's wrong. He doesn't just think of everything as a dollar sign. So when he sees injustices in the world, Joel Embiid steps up to right those wrongs. Even if they're coming from a guy who is worth 25 times more than Joel Embiid's $148 million contract. Again, Josh Harris, I would politely ask you to please 

And yes, Joel Embiid is in a position where he can easily afford to make this massive donation because he's an absolute freak of nature and signed a contract worth damn near $150 million. But this is a multimillionaire stepping in and donating extra money out of his own pocket to make up for a multibillionaire cutting the salaries of his employees in the middle of a global pandemic. Josh Harris doesn't need to temporarily cut those salaries to make sure they don't need to have any layoffs. He can afford to pay everybody their salaries and give them all bonuses right now and his worth wouldn't see a dent. He's making a decision based on his bottom line and Joel Embiid is making a decision based on being the polar opposite of that scumbag. 

If Josh Harris would like to make a donation, perhaps he should just donate the Sixers to Joel Embiid because nobody wants that rat owning this team anymore. Shoutout to Jo. 


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