Today In Real Headlines: Dennis Rodman Called Out Gronk For A Wrestling Match Because 'He Talks A Lot Of Shit'

Sure, why not? Let's 100% talk about how we're going to watch Dennis Rodman wrestle Gronk at some point. It's either going to be a solo match or we may get Rodman and Hogan back together vs Gronk and his buddy Mojo Rawley. We obviously have Wrestlemania coming up which Gronk is hosting and a part of. Just feels like if we have SummerSlam back to normal, this is going to happen.

You know what? Fuck it, let's get weird with it. Give me this. 

I've been rewatching a bunch of old Wrestlemania's and SummerSlam's right now and it's giving me some serious nostalgia. Sure, I might not be as diehard of a fan as Robbie Fox, Carrabis or Brandon Walker, but I've loved wrestling my entire life. Been to SummerSlam 2008 and it was an absolute blast. The point is I'd do anything for the Attitude Era again - even more than Clem dropping Attitude Era smokes right in our face every Friday. 

The point is Rodman was part of the Attitude Era, whether it WCW or not! Give me that back in 2020. 

My only request is this match happens when there are fans back in the stadium. I don't want this in an empty arena. I need the pop. Wrestling life is all about the pop for me. Nothing better than the Stone Cold glass breaking and the crowd erupting. But like I said ALL IN on this idea. 

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