Ebola Update - Still A Pussy
Has there ever been a bigger pussy disease than Ebola? I mean is Ebola even a thing anymore? Did anybody actually catch Ebola in America and die? No right? All it did though was dominate the headlines here for like a month straight with everybody freaking out and now it’s gone. If I was Ebola I’d be embarrassed as fuck. I wouldn’t even show my face in public. Biggest paper tiger disease in the history of diseases. I mean nobody is even talking about it anymore. You can barely find an article about it in today’s newspaper. Nobody cares. It’s like the Ebola craze never even happened. Exactly like SARS, The Bird Flu, S1N1 and all these other cockamammy diseases the media,government and Asian people tries to scare us with. And the crazy thing is in another year or two we’ll do it all over again with another disease that everybody on TV will tell us is going to kill millions. Fuck Ebola and plagues and all that shit. Shit like this doesn’t happen anymore because we have science and clean water now. When will people fucking figure that shit out? Ebola was a fraud. Ebola is a fraud. Ebola and all it’s dumb ass friends will always be frauds because of modern medicine. The only news outlet on the planet without an agenda and that you can trust is Barstool. We challenged Ebola to a fight and Ebola backed down just like the punk ass bitch it is.