Fans Packed The Main Street At Kansas Yesterday To Celebrate In Their Cars After Watching The 2008 Title Game Replay On CBS

I'm sorry ... what? Listen, I get we're all going a bit crazy. We're all dying to go outside at some point here. Quarantine is hitting everyone a bit different. But getting in your car to pack the main street at Kansas to celebrate a title from 12 years ago is a crazy move. I get it was a great game. I get that Mario Chalmers hit one of the biggest shots in NCAA Tournament history. I get that even Bill Self might have confused some people with his live tweets:
I guess I can understand the confusion, we're all going crazy. But what the fuck? How do you go, you know what? Let's go celebrate in the streets of Lawrence because of a 2008 title! It'll be great! We can't drink. We can't high five. We can't do anything but honk our horns. Do you know how annoying car horns are? Of course you do, most of you live in New York.
I just can't get over how bizarre this move is. It's 2020! Don't celebrate a title from 2008 like it actually is happening. Just watch the game, tweet about how awesome it is and then be sad that you were the favorite to win a title the year there was no Tournament.
PS: This is what it looked like in 2008: