Jerry Jones Says Tony Romo Will Be Ready To Play Sunday As Long As He Isn't A Pussy






Well looks like Romo is absolutely playing on Sunday. There’s nothing you can do when your boss puts it on your shoulders to decide if you’re OK to work. Ever tried to call out sick and get told “Well if you feel like you need to take the day off then take the day off”? Yeah, you’re 100% going in. I did construction one summer, dropped a rock on my foot, broke 3 toes and didn’t go to the doctor until the weekend because my boss said that shit. “If you really think it’s bad then by all means, head to the ER.” Yeah OK bro, fuck you, I’m not a pussy. Limped around raking leaves like an asshole for 3 days just so I didn’t have to feel like less of a man. So yeah if you were concerned about having Romo in your fantasy lineup this weekend, don’t worry. Jerry Jones just put him in a mental pretzel and now he’s got no choice but to suit up. Doesn’t matter if your back is broken in 100 places, you have to go in when it’s all on your “pain tolerance” as diagnosed by Dr. Your Boss.

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