LSU And Coach O Continue It's Fight For Social Distancing With Phenomenal Highway Billboard

If you had to rank the people that are whooping Coronaviruses ass one by one, Coach O would HAVE to be in the top 100:

And now this billboard? Amazing. There is definitely a Cajun family of 8 out there who wasn't taking COVID-19 serious until they heard Coach O talk about it. "We ain't going nowhere kids. Hunker down inside. Coach O told us to." 

What an evolution for Coach O. From glorified interim head coach to national champion to public health servant. 

P.s. Yeah, the billboard may be photoshopped. Who cares if it is. My point still stands.

P.s.s. Gotta wonder how Darren Rovell feels about this LSU billboard. We know he hasn't approved of them in the past:

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