Real Madrid Player Breaks Quarantine To Travel For Model Girlfriend's Birthday, Immediately Reported To Serbian Police

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SOURCE-Luka Jovic has been reported by the Serbian police for breaking quarantine.

The entire Real Madrid squad have been told to stay in their own homes for 14 days after basketball player Trey Thompkins tested positive for coronavirus last Thursday.

According to Serbian newspaper Blic, Jovic travelled to Belgrade to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday.

I wonder who snitched on Luka to the Serbian police. Speaking of the Serbian police, that is certainly a police department I do NOT want to fuck with. The Serbians don't mess around. 

Oh, yeah, I'd probably be doing a blogger disservice if I didn't include pictures of the girlfriend. So, yeah, here she is:

Yeah, so I get breaking my quarantine to be with this girl:

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