NH Politician In Hot Water For Saying Ann McLane Kuster Will Lose Her Re-Election Bid Because She's "Ugly As Sin" And Looks Matter In Politics





Huffpo – A Republican state lawmaker wrote in a blog post last week that U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-N.H.) will likely lose her re-election race in November because she is “ugly as sin” and “looks matter in politics.” The New Hampshire blog Miscellany Blue first reported that New Hampshire state Rep. Steve Vaillancourt (R) compared Kuster to a “drag queen” in his lengthy post and said she will probably lose to Republican challenger Marilinda Garcia, who is “truly attractive.” He writes that his blog post is politically relevant because he “seem[s] to recall” some new polling that shows “an attractive candidate can have as much as a seven to ten point advantage over a less attractive (or even an unattractive) candidate.” “Let’s be honest,” Vaillancourt writes. “Does anyone not believe that Congressman Annie Kuster is as ugly as sin? And I hope I haven’t offended sin. If looks really matter and if this race is at all close, give a decided edge to Marilinda Garcia.” The sweet spot of attractiveness for a female candidate, Vaillancourt says, is attractive, but not “so drop dead gorgeous as to intimidate those watching.” He believes Garcia is exactly that attractive. Kuster, meanwhile, reminds Vaillancourt of a drag queens at a bar he sometimes passes in Montreal. “Sad to say, but the drag queens are more atrractive [sic] than Annie Kuster … not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he writes. “I’ve promised myself for years not to use this anecdote, but after seeing the story about the seven to ten point boost for the attractive, the story has political relevance.”


Looks like I know who I’m voting for in the next election. NH state rep Steve Vaillancourt. Dude calls it like he sees it. Yeah I know I live in MA but I think MA and NH now are the same thing because I saw Scott Brown is running for something in NH even though he clearly lives in Massachusetts. Anyway I love how everybody is freaking out about this. They’re calling Vaillancourt sexist and saying he needs to resign. Why? Because he tells the truth? This is one of my absolute pet peeves. When people get mad about the truth. It is an absolute undeniable fact that looks matter with everything in life. Getting a job, getting a girlfriend, being popular, politics etc. It’s not with just women either. Attractive people always get the benefit of the doubt. Ugly people always get the short end of the stick. Unless we’re talking about being funny. Then fat dudes gets the nod. But other than that attractiveness always wins. And again he nailed it by saying with politics you can’t be too good looking in which you make people nervous. You just got to be the right blend which is exactly what Marilinda Garcia is. Get mad all you want. Stomp your feet all you want. Scream bloody murder all you want. I want a guy who deals in reality. Attractive beats “ugly as sin” in a tight race everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. I just hope and pray Steve Vaillancourt doesn’t apologize for these comments. Because to quote Kevin from the office. I got to believe in something.


PS – How does Annie Kuster not respond by saying if being ugly matters how did Vaillancourt manage to get elected? Boom roasted. I should be a political consultant.

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