Ebola Has Arrived In MA? Everybody is Freaking Out


Bostonherald - A man claiming to have recently traveled to Liberia in West Africa who turned up at the Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates urgent-care offices in Braintree this afternoon complaining of a headache, muscle aches and other Ebola-like symptoms was quarantined and has been brought to one of Boston’s top hospitals under police escort, according to multiple authorities “Out of an abundance of caution we immediately notified authorities and the patient was securely removed from the building and put into an ambulance now headed to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The building was closed briefly but has now re-opened. We are working closely with the Department of Public Health who will determine next steps,” said Dr. Ben Kruskal, chief of infectious disease for Harvard Vanguard. Bystander Susan Marini of Quincy said her husband Lareto — who is not the suspected Ebola case — came to Harvard Vanguard seeking treatment of a sore throat shortly before the emergency response began. He has since been allowed to leave, wearing a face mask. “They just told him this is going to be a long process, be prepared,” said Marini, who’d run into a nearby Kmart to get him a drink, only to find the clinic swarmed by emergency responders when she returned. “He’s scared, but he’s OK,” she said of her husband.


First things first. How about the guy who went to the hospital with a sore throat? Man up for me 1 time dude. I mean get some fucking cough drops and call it a day. Honestly you kind of deserve to catch Ebola if you go to the hospital with a sore throat in the first place. Just such an all time pussy move.

More importantly I’m still not sold on this Ebola shit. Like you think the fact Ebola is 10 minutes away from me is gonna make me shake in my boots? No way. I’m just gonna keep washing my hands, using anti bacterial spray and most importantly NOT GO TO LIBERIA. I mean holy Christ. If Ebola is as big and scary as everybody keeps making it out to be how about we stop accepting people from Liberia? If you go to Liberia you stay there. End of story. All these freaking stories are the same. Some idiot was in Liberia and caught it and then flew back here. I’m no rocket scientist but let’s stop with that okay. Boom problem pretty much solved.

PS  – If I catch Ebola after talking so much shit about it I’m going be so embarrassed.

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