Bored On A Wednesday Morning? Might As Well Put On A Mascot Costume And Head Down To Court To Support Adrian Peterson




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A buddy of mine decided to spend his day off from waiting tables to go down to the courthouse in Montgomery County where Adrian Peterson was entering his plea to show support. He’s wearing a wildcat mascot costume. Peterson was a Palestine Wildcat in High School.

Anyways, he doesn’t support him just had nothing better to do today




“Hey man, what’s up on Wednesday?”

“Got the day off from Ruby Tuesday’s dude!”

“Nice! What are you gonna do?”

“Probably just dress up like a high school mascot, head down to the Lee Alworth Building and hold a ‘Free AP!’ sign, you?”




So ridiculous. Not even an AP fan but got the day off from waiting tables and had nothing better to do. But I kind of get it. When I used to fake sick in school I’d think I was going to have the best day and would always do the dumbest shit. That’s how an off day works: you make these grand plans in your head then end up doing stupid like masturbate all day and watch the same episode of SportsCenter 8 times. That’s what an off day is, an exercise in wasting time by doing idiotic shit.



PS – My favorite part of the pic might be that absolutely no one cares about him. Cameras there from news stations all across the country and not one lens pointed at the cartoon character.

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