Chick Live Tweets The World's Worst Drunk Lady On A Flight




Oh man. You know when you’re at a bar or a party and you start talking to a girl and immediately realize it was a horrible decision? Either she’s slurring or her hair is a mess or she’s talking about her ex-boyfriend or all of the above and you’re just like “Fuuuuuuck this was a bad idea”? That’s what happened to these poor people, only they were stuck 30,000 feet above ground with nowhere to run. Legit nightmare scenario. I mean I get it, I get drunk when I fly too. Traveling is so stressful that it’s stupid to do it without dulling your senses, but getting stuck next to the drunkest girl at the party is the worst thing ever. If I were Abdul I would’ve asked where Mecca was and immediately started praying towards it hoping to get an emergency landing or something. I’d do a few years in Guantanamo if it meant my conversation with the girl who’s rocking Tito’s/puke breath came to an immediate end.

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