When Rondo Said He Broke His Hand Falling In The Shower Last Night He Really Meant He Broke It At An Indoor Trampoline Park




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Rondo was at a trampoline park in Billerica last night. Might’ve been where he broke his hand. Here he is with my buddy who works there.





“Oh shit did I say I broke my hand taking a relaxing shower at my house? I mean I was flying to the moon. Should’ve seen me on that trampoline, sky high baby. Sky fucking high.” Can’t knock Rondo for trying to slip that by everyone though, just gotta do a better job destroying all the evidence. Should’ve tracked down Sahil and shattered his phone the moment he said “ummmm in the shower! Yeah, that’s where I broke it. Fell in the shower.”




PS – No this isn’t definitive proof but I do have a brain and “Did an elite athlete break his hand in the shower or at a trampoline park?” isn’t a very difficult question. Joba Chamberlain will tell you all about it.



PPS – Yes this was definitely yesterday. The place’s name is Altitude Trampoline Park. Here are tweets from people who saw him there yesterday.




Update: WEEI spoke with the GM at Altitude, who said Rondo was there but did not jump on the trampolines. I’m still calling bullshit on the shower story but take that bit of news as you will.



h/t Sahil

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