NH High School Party Gets Busted By The Cops Because Everybody Kept Tweeting About It

SOURCE – There’s a lot to learn about the nuances of social media, but there’s one rule that seems fairly hard and fast: it’s just a bad idea to publish tweets about your own illegal behavior. An anonymous tipster who told authorities that teens were tweeting about an underage party prompted a police response that ended with the arrest of four teenagers in Merrimack, New Hampshire this weekend. NECN reports that Paige Graef, 18, was charged with facilitating an underaged drinking party at the home and possession of marijuana. Three others—Jared Wagner, 18 along with Elizabeth Shambo, 18 and Heather Normandy, 18—were also reportedly arrested for marijuana possession. All are due back in Merrimack District Court later this month. Police told the Union Leader there was a large gathering of underage drinkers at the home who were not arrested but released to the custody of an adult. At least one of the alleged partiers may have learned her lesson about social media best practices—Graef’s Twitter account has changed its publishing settings from “public” to “private.”


Is it dumb to tweet about the rager you’re throwing when you’re in high school? That’s really the crux of the issue. I know that it seems like an easy answer. Hell, at first glance it seems like anyone within 20 IQ points of triple digits would know that tweeting about your illegal goings on under any circumstance is a poor idea. But I submit that that line of thinking is a classic example of not seeing the forest through the trees.

You look at these high schoolers tweeting about doing alcohol and drug smoking and you think that it’s stupid because everybody in the world can see it. I look at those tweets and I think about how lucky they are that everyone can see it. If you’re throwing a rager, you want everyone to know. You don’t want to end up with a half-full living room of people playing Kings. You want kids passed out on tables, lampshades on heads, and PIV. The fastest way to get there? Blast out some tweets. Show the world that you’re some dope ass high schoolers with all the cases of Natty and handles of Rubinoff that anyone could ever dream of. If the party gets shut down, it gets shut down, but you’ve made your point and you’re living in Cool Kid City all senior year before you begin your illustrious junior college career in the fall. Worth it.

PS: I can’t promise tweets about awesome drinking parties, but follow me on twitter @EricBarstool

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