Coronavirus Has Turned The Canadian Children Angry

We're all going through a lot. Dealing with a global pandemic certainly takes a toll on us all. We're all going to deal with this thing in our own way. I just never expected the Canadian children to turn so hostile. Sometimes you forget that Canadians are also French. My guy took a swig of that coffee like it was a rip off a long cigarette after he finished a glib poem about a love lost on an overcast day. Passive aggressiveness off the charts. Walt Disney's frozen head better keep one eye open because Elias will never forget this slight. Disneyland has closed for the fourth time EVER and it made the mistake to close the one time Elias trekked down from Canada to ride the tea cups? I don't think so. Revenge is on the horizon and nobody is safe. Not Walt. Not Corona. Not the person who wrote Forest on Elias' Starbucks cup. Nobody. 

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