In Honor Of #TBT Here is the Letter Notre Dame Wrote To Michigan In 1894 Asking To Teach Them How To Play Football





Of course Michigan taught ND how to play football.  Of course we did.  You don’t become the home of almost every US President, star QB and smut blogger who ever lived by not teaching ND how to play football.  Kind of embarrassing that this is the last time ND is gonna play Michigan because they are chicken shit. Whatever. Anyway as I said yesterday on Twitter anybody who thinks MSU vs. Oregon is a bigger game than Michigan vs. ND this weekend is a certified moron. Michigan, ND, Alabama, Texas, USC, Oklahoma and Ohio State. That’s college football royalty. Anytime these teams play each other the world stops. I don’t care that Michigan has been down recently. We’re still Michigan. We’re still the face of college football. We still have the winged helmets. We’re still the team everybody circles on their calender. ND is still ND. This game is still Michigan vs. ND. It’s bigger and will always be bigger than MSU vs. Oregon. Those are the facts jack.

Don’t believe me? Tell em Tommy;


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