Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher


New YorkTwo female basketball coaches turned a Catholic secondary school into Horndog High, bedding students for years under the watch of a skirt-chasing athletic director [at] Moore Catholic High School… Megan Mahoney, a former assistant women’s basketball coach and gym teacher, had a months-long sexual relationship last year with a 16-year-old student; and Richard Postiglione, Moore’s athletic director and chief operating officer, failed to report multiple faculty-student affairs to authorities beginning as early as 2006, though he and the principal were told of the randy romps. The most recent alleged victim…  and Mahoney engaged in multiple trysts in her car… [She] would pick him up and take him to secluded spots to have sex, the boy said. “We would just drive around and [do it] in the car,” he said. He said the two never talked about the illegal or inappropriate nature of their relationship. “That never came up,” he said. “We were never boyfriend-girlfriend,” he said. “It was cool. I knew it wasn’t going anywhere. I told my best friend and like three kids.” Their reactions? “How awesome — good job,” he said. Mahoney denied having sex with the student. But the teen’s parents said they saw them together, including one evening when the coach picked him up at their home for what they assumed was a date. They believed Mahoney, a stunning former hoops star at Wagner College, was a high school student herself. “She looks young,” said the father. “You’d never know.” Postiglione was told about the sexcapades, according to two school sources.

Way to go, kid.  You had everything a 16 year old could ask for.  Your folks footing the bill for you to go to Horndog High.  A young, hot, sex fiend teacher like Megan Mahoney.  And an AD who was running interference for everyone so they could all get their freak on without all that bothersome interference from the suits, the police and the church.  And you had to blow it.  What did you think?  AD’s like Richard Postiglione grow on trees?  You think every guy running a school athletic department is a depraved “skirt-chasing” lowlife?  Having him in charge was like Whitey Bulger having John Connolly heading up the FBI’s mob investigation.  It was the perfect situation.  But you had to blow it by telling your best friend and like three kids just to impress them.  Congratulations. You’ve doomed your own class and generations to come to a life spent having to sneak around instead of boning your teachers with total immunity.  Asshat.

The Grades:
I almost want to say she looks like a very low rent Monica Bellucci.  But since Bellucci is hands down the World’s Most Beautiful Woman (because I said so… if you don’t like it write your own damned blog), saying that on the basis of two crappy photos would be like watching a kid pitch to two batters and comparing him to Pedro.  That said, it’s fair to call her a NY Catholic school Grade: A-
Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: 
I’m sorry but I’ve got to mark her down here, just on the basis of that troubling “Mahoney denied having sex with the student” business.  I hate to give high marks to a chick who won’t fess up.  If you really want to make it in the SST business, you’ve got to own it.  Or at the very least offer some incontrovertible proof.  Something tangible.  Naked pictures, fighting with the kids’ prom date or having his baby or something.  Otherwise you leave open the possibility you are, God forbid, innocent and this kid is just a lying creep looking for attention.  Even the kids dad sounds like he’s bragging, so who knows? Grade: D+
I guess I have to hand it to the NY Post, because I love a good tabloid alliteration.  Horndog High.  Randy romp.  It gives an otherwise store brand Teacher Sex Scandal story a touch of that “LA Confidential” Hush Hush magazine flair.  Journalism needs more of that. Grade: B
  C. But if Megan Mahoney does the right thing and owns up to it, I reserve the right to change the grade.
[Thanks to @JonFrat] Have information about a hot female teacher having sex with her students? Preferably with pictures? Help make the world safe for Teacher Sex Scandals by Tweeting me @jerrythornton1.

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