Donating To Runaways and Homeless People Has To Be The Worst Use Of Donation Money Ever Right?


DM – Miley Cyrus stole the show at this year’s VMAs but instead of twerking and sticking out her tongue, the pop star grabbed the attention of the audience by promoting her pet cause – youth homelessness. The blonde singer won the Video of the Year award for her song Wrecking Ball but rather than take to the stage and mouth platitudes, Cyrus sent in her stead a young man named Jesse to read a speech about the subject close to the star’s heart.’My name is Jesse,’ the 22-year-old said. ‘I am accepting this award on behalf of the 1.6 million runaways and homeless youth in the United States who are starving and lost and scared for their lives. I know, because I am one of those people.’ ‘I’ve been an extra in your movies, I’ve been an extra in your lives,’ the blond-haired, blue eyed Jesse told the audience. ‘Los Angeles has the largest population of homeless youth in America.’


I’m still totally confused on what Miley was trying to prove with this sharply dressed runaway kid yesterday. Like are we really praying for runaways now? And handsome ones at that? I mean this dude said he was an extra in movies. What does that even mean? That sounds like somebody who moved to Hollywood to be an actor and when he couldn’t get a gig he just decided to live on the street rather than get a job busing tables. Sorry but I’m not shedding a tear for that guy. Get a fucking job homie. And while I’m talking about homeless people how do you end up homeless in the first place? Like I know it’s not in vogue to blame homelessness on the homeless but it’s their fault right? Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there are some real sob stories out there, but my guess is 98% of people just are too lazy to work or have drug problem or something. I mean it’s not rocket science on how to avoid being homeless. Get a job. There just seems like a lot of causes that are more worthy than worrying about good looking dudes who ran away from home and can’t break into Hollywood.   Bottomline is that if you are attractive and homeless you’re just a moron or have zero ambition in life.

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