Woman Who Was Bathing Her Three Guinea Pigs Found a 12 Foot African Python in Her Bathtub

NBC - A 12-foot python has been returned to its owner after a slithery stop at a Central Texas home where a woman earlier bathed her pet guinea pigs. The Eagle newspaper reported Tuesday that Veronica Rodriguez was shocked in early May when the big snake turned up in her bathroom. Police believe the African python slipped into the house when Rodriguez left the back door open after bathing her three household guinea pigs and putting the critters in outdoor pens. Rodriguez says she heard strange noises, returned to the bathroom and discovered the snake crawling into the tub. She called 911. College Station police and animal control officers removed the snake, using a city trash can as a temporary receptacle for the reptile. No guinea pigs were harmed.


What’s weirder- finding a 12 foot African python in your house, or owning and washing 3 guinea pigs? I really don’t know the answer to this question. On one hand, you never want to wake up with a 12 foot anything in your tub. Nevermind a snake that can eat me whole. Like can you imagine a lil Nate imprint after I got eaten whole by a snake? Not a great look for me. Then on the other hand, owning 3 guinea pigs and bathing them is coocoo house behavior. Slap a jacket on this lady and throw her into a padded room. She for sure dresses them up and has tea parties with them. So no, I don’t know what’s weirder.


Edit: Shit, I can’t read! Someone LOST their snake? It didn’t come crawling out of the woods? Like, someone owns that thing?! Kill that person and throw them into a volcano! What the fuck?!

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