Coronavirus Is No Match For Vin Diesel

James Bond 'No Time To Die'? Delayed.

'Peter Rabbit 2'? Delayed.

'F9: the Fast Saga', also known as 'Fast & Furious 9', also known as 'F9'?

That's right, the Fast & Furious franchise isn't moving shit for Coronavirus and Vin Diesel is making sure everyone knows that you can expect to see ninth (technically tenth if you count the spin-off) movie in the franchise in theaters on May 22nd.

We need movies now more than ever. We're already in a very interesting time where cinema and the cinematic experience is so threatened. So, yes, put it on record we're going to show up. (via USA Today)

Vin only has one Corona on his mind…

All jokes aside, Diesel is right about needing movies. I view them as escapism and its a big reason why I love the medium so much. Nothing better than disconnecting and sitting in a theater (with popcorn) for a little while with a good, or even bad, movie. The Fast & Furious franchise is turn-your-brain-off fun and should never really be viewed as more than just that. I won't be going into theaters and licking the fucking floors, but Coronavirus isn't going to keep me away from movie theaters, so I will be right there on May 21st for opening night.

Now is it actually Vin Diesel's decision? I would say probably not. It makes sense as to why studios have been delaying movies, especially with things looking so out of control overseas and in Asia. If Universal wants to shelve a big-time, possibly billion dollar money-maker in 'F9', they'll do it whether Diesel wants them to, or not.

Regardless, I love Diesel's attitude and hope many more movies stay in their respective release slots. In honor of Vin, let's pull out a few of his random movie clips…

"Family." - Dom Toretto

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