Korean Bro With The Rare Double Bat Flip in One Game And It's Pissing Me Off


Exquisite form. Just perfect bat-flipping ability. And it’s pissing me off. Him one-upping American like that. Is he asking for war? Is that what’s happening here? We’ve gone to war for much, much less. You can’t just bat flip in the USA’s face like that and expect to get away with it. And twice in one game at that. What do we tell our children, who want to grow up to flip bats, and they see the crown of the bat flips might have just been stolen to motherfucking Korea? I don’t even know what Korea is. Is it near Iowa? Who are our kids supposed to look up to if Puig is batflipping for flyouts to centerfield and Korea is batflipping in our grills like that? I guess the new precedent has been set. We can’t lose batflipping to fucking Korea. No way, no how. I won’t stand for it. I will be monitoring this situation until we have back what is ours. We invented this shit and we will win this back god dammit if it’s the last thing we do.

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