The Boston Celtics Are Going To Fucking Kill Me

They did it again. They fucking did it again. This now marks the 5th time the Celtics have blown a massive lead in the last like 10 days. An absolutely incredible display of futility. I didn't even know this was even possible for an NBA team to do. Not a team that is on pace to win 55 games. That shit just doesn't happen and hadn't happened all year and yet here we are. These last 10+ days or whatever have been complete chaos. We are legit at the point where there is no lead that this team can have where we as fans can feel safe. It can be 15, 18, 20+ doesn't matter. We are destined to sweat out the fourth quarter as we watch another collapse unfold right before our eyes. There's no stopping it. It's inevitable and frankly I don't care for it one bit. Personally I find it rather annoying and taking a serious toll on my health. I mean this amount of stress cannot be healthy for even the most in shape person on the planet so it's definitely not healthy for a goddamn blogger who sometimes gets tired walking his big ass dog depending on how far we go. 

But thankfully, the Celtics didn't lose this game. The very much wanted to, don't get it twisted. They did their best to give this game away just like they did HOU/BKN/UTA/OKC. In fact it's more surprising that they didn't if we're being honest. I've had about enough of this play great through 3 quarters then fall apart like a house of cards in the fourth quarter. Both Hayward and Tatum had carried them all game so sure let's just never give them the ball when it matters most. Instead we got a whole lot of Smart and Kemba, a whole lot of terrible isolation and pathetic offense and it was about as bad as you think. Then, even after the Celts actually come through and make some late game buckets, the torture still wasn't over. Of course Kemba misses a huge FT that would have put the game away. Of course. But even then the torture still wasn't over. 

You see they had in inbound the basketball up 1 with under 10 seconds left. What could go wrong? Not like they've just lost 2 games based on this exact scenario. And what happens? THEY ALMOST TURN IT OVER AGAIN!!!

I mean what the hell is going on. Is this team trying to bury me or what? I'm starting to take this personally. Figure this shit the hell out, why is inbounding the ball so hard. Why. I want a legit answer as to why this team cannot inbound the basketball without sending us all to heart attack city.

In the end Marcus made his FTs and that was that. Disaster sort of avoided.....but not really. Still blew a MASSIVE lead for the billionth time. Not great, but not a loss. I'll fucking take it at this point. 

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