Breaking News: I Found The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie


So today is kind of a slow internet day. Therefore I figured I’d give people some insider info to help pass the time. You know how I blogged a couple weeks ago that the South End had a pizza crisis? Well the South End giveth and the South End taketh away. Because even though I’ve been reduced to walking 20 minutes round trip to the food court at the Prudential Mall for Reginas on the flip side I also live walking distance to Flour Bakery.  Let me say this loud and clear. They have the BEST chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had. Now keep in mind this isn’t some pansy cookie guy saying this. I’m a chocolate chip cookie expert. If you sell chocolate chip cookies I try them everytime. It’s a code I live by. So I’ve pretty much had em all and Flour is the best period. I’m talking take this info to the bank, lock it up and send it in. The search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie is over. Flour has it. End of discussion.


Sidentoe – If you go to flour during common eating hours prepare to wait forever.   But it you want the ultimate you got to be willing to willing to pay the ultimate price.  It’s not tragic waiting in line for a cookie you love.

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