Barstool Rundown June 24

Rundown Part 1

[kaltura-video id=865]

Rundown Part 2

[kaltura-video id=863]


Rundown Aftershow

[kaltura-video id=864]


Today’s Subjects:

You Kind Of Got To Respect The Fact That This Luis Suarez Dude Just Keeps Biting People

Lebron Opts Out Of Contract, Commence Summer Of Lebron Part 2 

Obama Is Drunk With Power

Hope Solo 911 Call “Hope Solo Is Going Psychotic She’s Fucking Beating People!”

Team Popcorn For Life

Sting Says He Won’t Leave Any Of His 180 Million Fortune To His Kids Because Trust Funds Will Be An Albatross Around Their Necks



I know everybody hates this video shit and splitting it up.   I hear you.  Nobody actually hates it more than me.  I spend hours a day trying to get Kaltura to work right.  No joke.  Hours.  I’m also tied into a year contract with them and believe it or not we pay them a shit ton of money.   Frankly our video strategy is a joke.  But the one thing I know is we can’t use youtube and let them get all our money.  We need to monetize this shit and need a Kaltura or a Brightcove to do it.   And before you say we’re cheap or use a shitty player we use the same one TMZ and the Chive use.   The difference being we’re the only one that puts out 10 minute videos.  That’s the crux of it.   It costs a ton to do long videos which is why we need to keep splitting em up. We’re at like break even with this shit and will get murdered if we do 1 20 minute video with 1 ad.   We need at least 1 ad per 10 minutes to think about breaking even.     So now you know why we break it up.   And contrary to popular belief I obsess over user experience.


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