Time To Focus On Germany


Ok so last night sucked.  No getting around that.  Just a kick in the gut to give up the game tying goal with 3 seconds left in extra time. BUT on the bright side the US did get a point and still control their own destiny. They are still playing better than anybody thought they would. If you said they’d have 4 points after the first two games before the World Cup started everybody would be dancing in the streets. Now all we need is a tie vs. Germany and we advance to the round of 16.  Listen am I nervous that Klinsman is gonna stab us in the back when we least expect it? Of course I am. He is German after all. But barring any WWII type chicanery from our head coach I love our chances. Almost as much as I love this song the American Outlaws are singing. If you don’t think I’m singing this at our World Cup Watch Party Thursday you’re nuts.

There were 2 German bombers in the air,
There were 2 German bombers in the air,
There were 2 German bombers, 2 German bombers,
2 German bombers in the air.
And the US Air Force shot one down,
And the US Air Force shot one down,
And the US Air Force, US Air Force,
The US Air Force shot one down.

There was 1 German bomber in the air,
There was 1 German bomber in the air,
There was 1 German bomber, 1 German bomber,
1 German bomber in the air.
And the US Air Force shot one down,
And the US Air Force shot one down,
And the US Air Force, US Air Force,
The US Air Force shot one down.

There were ZERO German bombers in the air,
There were ZERO German bombers in the air,
There were ZERO German bombers, ZERO German bombers,
ZERO German bombers in the air.
‘Cause the US Air Force shot them down,
‘Cause the US Air Force shot them down,
‘Cause the US Air Force, the US Air Force,
‘The US Air Force shot them down.[2]

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