Wake Up With Larry David And "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Saving A Man From Going To Prison

I think people forget that Larry David and "Curb Your Enthusiasm" literally saved a man from going to prison for murder. The entire story is in the documentary trailer above. I watched it a few weeks back, and it's a damn good watch. A really interesting story about a guy trying to prove somehow he was at a Dodgers game. A Dodgers game that Larry David and HBO just happened to filming an episode during. An absolutely crazy story that gets an innocent man off the hook. And the fact that Larry David had to be in court explaining that he was filming a show and this part of the show was him picking up a hooker and taking her to Dodger Stadium so he could use the carpool lane is so LD. I mean what are the chances that the cameras would catch this guy in the stands? I mean this could have been an episode of Curb. Again, a crazy story if you haven't read up or seen it, and it really is a hilarious episode of the show. Give the trailer a watch and check out the doc if you haven't seen it. 

Laugh out loud funny every time. 

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