Best Story In College Hoops: Vermont's Josh Speidel Scores On Senior Night - 5 Years After A Car Accident Left Him In A Coma For Weeks

In case you don't know the story, Josh Speidel was a great high school player in Indiana - good enough to draw a bit of interest from Gonzaga before deciding to go to Vermont. However on Super Bowl Sunday back in 2015, Speidel was involved in a car accident that left him in a coma for weeks. It was so bad that this was the diagnosis months after the accident (via USA Today): 

About six months after the accident, a doctor’s evaluation didn’t forecast a favorable outcome for Speidel’s reading comprehension.

“He said Joshua wouldn’t be above a fourth-grade level, ever,” Lisa Speidel said. 

“I told him that you are not going to tell Joshua that and he agreed," she said. “I still have those results in an envelope, but I have yet to open it.”

And now here he is, graduating from UVM and getting a chance to score a bucket on Senior Night. It's why this beautiful, dumb sport is just the best. There is nothing like sports and it's reasons like this why we say they always deliver. Shout out John Becker and Vermont too. Becker, who is one of the best dudes in the game and has a crazy story in his own right, stuck with Speidel, honored his scholarship and was with him every step of the trip. 

Just the absolute best.

Oh, is having a Senator talk about you on the floor pretty good? Because that's how inspiring Josh Speidel has been and will continue to be: 

Sorry, but we're all doing tears now on a Tuesday night. 

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