Reminder We Have Our World Cup Watch Party At The Warehouse Today at 5pm


Listen am I a huge soccer fan no? Am I a tiny soccer fan? No. Can I name more than 3 people on the American team? No. Do I think soccer is for pussies? Yes. But tell me it’s USA vs. the world and I’m motherfucking loading up the pump getting ready for WWIII. Because that’s just how I roll. American vs. Everybody. If soccer is important to everybody else I want to take it from everybody else. Not because I want it, but because I can and we’re the USA. So I don’t care that Jergon Klinsman keeps saying we got no chance.  I’m sure that’s what Herb Brooks said to the media before the 80 Olympics too. Make em think you’re weak where you’re strong and strong where you’re weak. Didn’t Gladiator teach people anything? Not the Russel Crowe one but the Cuba Gooding Jr one.

World Cup Watch Party – 5pm – Warehouse.

Address – 40 Broad Street

Oh and just in case you were on the fence Bud Light is giving away a trip to Vegas for 2 to somebody in the crowd for a World Cup Finals watch party. Because that’s what we do in America. We go to Vegas and make horrific decisions. Here are the trip details

Saturday, July 12th — Monday, July 14th
WHAT: Package includes:
Round-trip airfare
Hotel accommodations for 3 days/2 nights / double occupancy room Food and Beverages & all inclusive weekend of Soccer


Just a quick reminder that we got

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