Don't You Dare Even Think About Saying The Word 'Evansville' To John Calipari ... Don't You Fucking Dare

Are we still talking about this game from November?!? The one where EJ didn't play and Nick and Ashton were sick?!? My God just since then Kentucky has beaten Texas Tech, Auburn, Florida, LSU, Louisville and won the SEC. Listen to the man already. I know it's the easy joke, oh Kentucky lost to Evansville. Big fucking deal. It was so long ago that the players don't even remember. Hell, Khalil Whitney was still on the team during that game! 

This is why I love Coach Cal. He'll always go after shit like this. Oh you want to talk about Evansville, fine let's talk about all the other shit too. He'll rip your head off if you look in the mirror and say Evansville 5 times in a row now. Jordan Peele is ready to make a movie about him. 

We've moved on past Evansville, so don't even bring it up. We're onto the NCAA Tournament. 

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