Look at the Boobs on the Girl Who Fell 3 Stories and Lived After Getting Roofied

Metro – A British tourist cheated death when she fell from a third-storey balcony after apparently having her drinks spiked.
Romany Mitchell plunged 9m (30ft) after returning to her hotel in Thailand and has spent over a week in hospital.Friends of the 21-year-old claimed her drinks had been interfered with at a bar before the fall.A staff member at the hotel in Phuket said: ‘It was her first night at the hotel and she had been out with friends but came back in a taxi alone. She was upset and crying.’Ms Mitchell is on a gap year after graduating from Edinburgh Napier university.The incident has led the Foreign Office to remind tourists to be careful when staying in hotels with balconies.

She got roofied, fell from a 3rd floor balcony and lived, blah blah blah. Look at those titties. Hiyo. I did a google search and facebook search, no other pics are available for public display.

I always assumed they just kidnapped girls in Thailand. I didn’t think roofies were a big part of their gameplan. Who roofies a girl and then leaves her alone anyway? That’s Bush League.  Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Look at those titties. I’m glad she lived. Hopefully she’ll change her facebook privacy settings soon.


Tip – David .  Send tips and smokeshow candidates to latips@barstoolsports.com

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