MailTime Deluxe: Job Interview Horror Stories


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The second hour of last night’s recording was all about job interview horror stories. Everyone submitted their stories about their worst interviews ever and we read the best ones. Stories from Smitty, @TheBallIsOrange, and a bunch of other MailTime listeners made for a truly classic episode where we got back to the roots of what MailTime started as. Some of the things the somehow all fit in to this job interview episodes:

Gay porn
Drilling through a girls head with a power drill
Duke Lacrosse Rape Scandal
A 2 foot by 3 foot Rice Krispies treat
Broken teeth
A surprising amount of Coldstone Creamery stories

Its a classic old school episode of Mailtime, so get involved. If you’re not premium its just a buck a month so click the link above and join up.

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